Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
|Crypto & FX
|3 Min Read
How often are QUODD forex rates data refreshed?
The Global Currencies API provides real-time forex data which is updated in true real-time as new quotes are issued by market participants.
|Corporate Actions
|1 Min Read
Why do some events not have an endpoint in the corporate actions API?
Discover supported event types with the ListEventTypes endpoint in our Global Corporate Actions API. Get high-level details and notes for simpler event categories, offering streamlined insights for events without dedicated endpoints.
|Stocks and ETFs
|1 Min Read
What are the NASDAQ Stock Market trading hours?
The NASDAQ Stock Market trades from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM EST. NASDAQLastSale data covers the normal session's open, high, low, and last prices, while volume includes both pre- and post-trading activity as per NASDAQ guidelines.
|3 Min Read
Do you disable service for non-payment?
QUODD can discontinue service due to non-payment. Will contact customer before doing so.
|1 Min Read
What is CompositeIdentifier?
A custom QUODD input parameter that allows users to pinpoint a single event record down to the instrument level.
|1 Min Read
What is IdentifierAsOfDate?
The GlobalHistorical and GlobalCorporateActions APIs include the IdentifierAsOfDate input field, which returns the known active date of the provided identifier. If this value is left blank, the value will default to the current date.
|1 Min Read
Does the IPO share count number include underwriter options?
The IPO does not share count numbers including underwriter options. The IPO offering size reflects the base offering of shares only.
|1 Min Read
Why isn't the 'volume' field always populated in QUODD Global Indices?
The 'volume' field is not aways populated for all indices, and will vary on whether we receive this value from this particular index and index group.
|Stocks and ETFs
|1 Min Read
Does QUODD support survivorship bias in your historical stock data API?
Access historical prices with QUODD's Global Historical API, covering equities from 80+ global exchanges. Get open, high, low, close, volume, VWAP, TWAP, and more—data available since 1994 for U.S. exchanges and 2000 for most international markets.
|Free Trial
|1 Min Read
How many hits do I get with my free trial?
The number of hits varies per service. Account hit credits and usage is available under your account.