|1 Min Read
Are the treasury rate figures published in QUODD Money Markets and Rates yields or discount rates?
The figures provided for Treasury Rates of all maturities are yields.
The "Description" field in the API output will confirm this, as well: "Based on the most actively traded marketable Treasury securities. Yields on these issues are based on composite quotes reported by U.S. Government securities dealers to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York."
All FAQsOther Question Frequently Asked

Where does the QUODD FX rates data come from?
The Global Currencies API provides spot exchange rates. QUODD integrates FX rate data from multiple leading data providers including ...

|Crypto & FX
How often are QUODD forex rates data refreshed?
The Global Currencies API provides real-time forex data which is updated in true real-time as new quotes are issued by market participants.

What is the cause of an HTTP 403 Error?
A 403 Error indicates that we have blocked access to our computers from your computer.