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Can QUODD APIs be called
from multiple locations?
Yes, our license agreement typically limits your use of QUODD market data APIs within one or multiple applications. It does not restrict the locations from which the APIs are called.
You can call our APIs directly from mobile devices--each of which constitutes a different location.
All FAQsOther Question Frequently Asked
Is it possible to point to an QUODD IP address instead of an URL?
No. Pointing to our IP address is not permitted because our services are hosted on a virtual environment across multiple servers and availability zones
What is IdentifierAsOfDate?
The GlobalHistorical and GlobalCorporateActions APIs include the IdentifierAsOfDate input field, which returns the known active date of the provided identifier. If this value is left blank, the value will default to the current date.
What is automatic identifier stitching?
Automatic identifier stitching of events traces identifiers back through various corporate actions and provides a complete timeline of events.