Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does QUODD provide data on company mergers?

Written by AP | May 31, 2024 9:11:03 PM

The QUODD corporate actions API includes company merger event data. The QUODD Global Corporate Actions API provides a GETMergers endpoint that returns merger events for a given identifier and date range.

Merger events are defined as a merger of equals, where Company A and Company B combine to make a new, separate Company C. Company A and Company B cease to exist.

The GetMergers endpoint models mergers of equals events. This takes place when two companies combine and an entirely new company is created. The component companies cease to exist. The input identifier will refer to the component companies in a merger of equals. This means the input identifiers are for company A or B in an A + B = C merger. The API will return one company’s record at a time. The CompositeIdentifier of the other company’s merger event can be found in RelatedCompositeIdentifier. The RelatedCompositeIdentifier may be blank in cases in which one of the companies is private.

Event details will always be related to the company of the input identifier and only on the component companies rather than the resultant company. Company A and Company B will have separate event records. An identifier for the corresponding component company event will be found in RelatedCompositeIdentifier.