|Stocks and ETFs
|1 Min Read
Does QUODD provide data on
exchange-traded products (ETPs)?
QUODD provides coverage for exchange-traded products (ETPs) including exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange-traded commodities (ETCs), exchange-traded notes (ETNs), and exchange-traded mutual funds (ETMFs) in our Global ETFs API. A granular definition of the legal structure of ETPs is provided in the GetETFCharacteristics endpoint.
All FAQsOther Question Frequently Asked

|Stocks and ETFs
Does QUODD offer ETF reference and exposure data?
Yes, QUODD provides ETF reference and exposure data as part of the Global ETFs.

|Stocks and ETFs
What ETF historical data does QUODD provide for fund flows?

|Stocks and ETFs
Does QUODD support survivorship bias in your historical stock data API?
Access historical prices with QUODD's Global Historical API, covering equities from 80+ global exchanges. Get open, high, low, close, volume, VWAP, TWAP, and more—data available since 1994 for U.S. exchanges and 2000 for most international markets.