|Free Trial
|1 Min Read
How do I check how many hits
I have left on my QUODD trial?
You can check your available hits under the following endpoints:
For paying subscribers: https://www.quodd.com/MyAccount#/api/subscriptions
For trial users: https://www.quodd.com/MyAccount#/api/trials
All FAQsOther Question Frequently Asked

|Free Trial
What are the terms and conditions of a free trial?
Visit https://www.quodd.com/terms-and-conditions/ for full term and condiditons.

|Free Trial
How many hits do I get with my free trial?
The number of hits varies per service. Account hit credits and usage is available under your account.

|Free Trial
What happens when my free trial expires?
When your free trial expires you will receive an outcome of 'Registration Error'.