|Corporate Actions
|1 Min Read
How do I find a merger event
in GetMergers in the
Corporate Actions API?
In the QUODD Global Corporate Actions API we offer the GetMergers endpoint which returns merger events for a given identifier and date range. QUODD defines merger events as a merger of equals, where Company A and Company B combine to make a new, separate Company C. Company A and Company B cease to exist.
Many merger examples are in reality acquisitions, in which one company acquires another and there is a clear distinction in which company is the ‘surviving’ company. The event you are looking for might be in the GetTakeovers endpoint.
All FAQsOther Question Frequently Asked

|Corporate Actions
Does QUODD provide data on company mergers?
Yes, QUODD does provide data on company mergers.

|Corporate Actions
Does QUODD provide private company corporate actions data?
The QUODD Global Corporate Actions API provides corporate actions data for public companies' events such as stock splits, dividends, mergers, and spinoffs.

|Corporate Actions
Does QUODD have corporate actions data?
The QUODD Global Corporate Actions API provides corporate actions data for events such as stock splits, dividends, mergers, and spinoffs.