QUODD offers BATS data in our BATS Real Time API. Click here for BATS trading hours information.
The BATS Real Time API offers real-time stock quotes and market data for U.S. equities traded on BATS Exchange, now known as Cboe U.S. Equities. In addition to price, volume, and stock quotes (bid/ask) information, this API provides tick-level market data, and other market statistics including open, high, low, and close, volume data for stocks, depository receipts, and exchange-traded funds (ETF) trading on BATS (Cboe U.S. Equities).
Key Features
- Coverage for BATS, NYSE, NASDAQ, ARCA, and NYSE American listed securities trading on BATS
- Access to about 6-7% of all volume of trades for U.S. Markets
- Last sale prices and bid/ask quotes
- Volumes traded on BATS (Cboe U.S. Equities)
- Single or multiple securities quote APIs
- Real-time detail intraday tick data for the last 20 business days
- 1-minute, 5-minute, and 15-minute bars as well as custom interval bars down to the second
- Support for pre-market and after-market quotes
- Support for retrieving quotes by Symbol, CUSIP, ISIN, or Valoren (where supported)
Key Benefits
- Easily embed real-time equity prices in your applications--including spreadsheets, portfolio management tools, rebalancing engines, trading systems, websites, mobile apps, and other corporate applications
- Increase the transparency and accuracy of the data displayed in your apps (compared to delayed quotes)
- Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need US real-time equity prices
- Eliminate the pains and complexity of legacy feeds by using cloud APIs
Data Coverage At-A-Glance
- Asset Classes: Equities and ETFs trading on BATS Exchange (Cboe U.S. Equities)
- Exchanges Covered: Securities listed on NYSE, NYSE American, Arca, NASDAQ, or BATS and trading on the BATS BZX Exchange. This currently accounts for about 6-7% of the total volume of all U.S. equity trading daily and covers most large-cap and mid-cap securities.
Key Data Points
- Security: Company Name, Symbol
- Real-time Quote: Bid, Ask, Bid Quantity, Ask Quantity, Last, Previous Close Date, Change, Percent Change, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Spread, Datetime (local market), Trading Halt Indicator
- Bars: High, Low, Close, Volume, VWAP, TWAP, Trades Range, Date, Time Range