|Stocks and ETFs
|1 Min Read
How often does QUODD
update ETF holdings data?
QUODD provides historical ETF fund flow data as part of our Global ETFs API. Historical ETF fund flow data starts at the ETF inception date for ETFs listed in North America, Europe and Asia. Our Fund Flows endpoint returns fund flows data.
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|Stocks and ETFs
Does QUODD provide exchange-traded products (ETPs) data?
Yes, QUODD provides data on exchange-traded products.
|Stocks and ETFs
Does QUODD offer ETF reference and exposure data?
Yes, QUODD provides ETF reference and exposure data as part of the Global ETFs.
|Stocks and ETFs
What time are end-of-day equity prices available in US markets?
Get accurate end-of-day prices for U.S. equities, including ETFs, through our Global Historical API. Prices are generally available by 5:00 PM EST, with corrections possible until 8:00 PM EST. NAVs for ETFs and mutual funds are available later in the evening. For reliable data, start pulling EOD prices after 5:00 PM EST.