|3 Min Read
What is the cause of an HTTP 500 Error?
You should never get a HTTP 500 error in normal operation mode. There are two causes for HTTP 500 errors:
1. A major problem on our side
2. A problem with your request.
The first thing you should do is examine possible problems with your request.
Missing Required Parameters: All parameters with a non-string data type are required . This includes numerics, dates, booleans, and enumerations (which are really numerics). Only missing string values will not cause an HTTP 500 error.
Mis-typed Enumerations: Enumerations are case-sensitive. Make sure you look at the list of valid values in the SOAP, GET or POST description. Our test form makes it easy by using drop-downs but your code must be correct. For instance, you may get the following response if you omit an integer parameter: "System.ArgumentException: Cannot convert to System.Int32" .
If your request is valid and the problem persists, please reach out support@quodd.com
All FAQsOther Question Frequently Asked
What is the cause of an HTTP 403 Error?
A 403 Error indicates that we have blocked access to our computers from your computer.
Where does the QUODD FX rates data come from?
The Global Currencies API provides spot exchange rates. QUODD integrates FX rate data from multiple leading data providers including ...
How do I add IP addresses to my account?
Do you disable service for non-payment?
QUODD can discontinue service due to non-payment. Will contact customer before doing so.
How do I upgrade my subscription?
You can upgrade your subscription at any time by contacting our Customer Success Team.
What happens if I exceed my paid hit volume?
QUODD does not immediately disable access for customers that exceed their paid hit limit. If a customer consistently exceeds their monthly limit, we will require an upgrade to the next usage tier.
What is your API availability?
QUODD targets 99.9% availability.
What payment options do you offer?
Major credit cards and corporate billing.
How do I check my Account status?
You can check the status of your account on our website by visiting https://www.quodd.com/MyAccount.
|Free Trial
Does QUODD offer a free market data API trial?
Yes, QUODD offers a free market data API trial.
Can I use QUODD's technology to eliminate terminals?
Yes, you can use QUODD's technology to eliminate terminals.
|Crypto & FX
How often are QUODD forex rates data refreshed?
The Global Currencies API provides real-time forex data which is updated in true real-time as new quotes are issued by market participants.