Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What time are end-of-day equity prices available in US markets?

Written by AP | May 31, 2024 10:14:46 PM

End-of-day prices for US equities are available in our Global Historical API. EOD prices are generally available by 5:00 PM EST, or 1 hour after Market Close. This includes closing prices for ETFs as well as any other exchange traded securities.

NAVs for ETFs and mutual funds are available later in the evening, consistent with Nasdaq MFQS licensing delays.

Most prices start becoming available as soon as the market close as the exchanges feed closing prices. Prices will be available by 4:30 PM EST, but further corrections could trickle in until 5:00 PM EST. It is possible for corrections to occur until close of markets at 8:00 PM EST. To be safe, it is best to wait until 5:00 PM EST to start pulling end of day prices.